Spain remains one of the most exciting and innovative wine-producing nations. Look at Boutinot’s Spanish portfolio and you will see a country offering tremendous quality and value at every level, from hand-crafted, own-production wines to labels and producers from the most famous regions.
It is this depth and diversity which is Spain’s true strength, and it is our strength too. With shining lights and pioneers making wines of quality and typicity in both world-renowned and lesser-known regions throughout Spain, we can offer our customers a truly breath-taking spectrum of wines.
For our own range of Spanish wines, we work with the winemakers and producers to make a long-term commitment to the wine. We work with the winemakers to adjust the production process to create the wines best suited to our portfolio and the needs of our customers. This allows us, in a way that only Boutinot can, to create wines, which are not only representative of their region of origin, but also tailor-made to specific markets worldwide, whilst consistently delivering a price to quality ratio that is utterly incomparable.
We also work with fantastic agencies from all the major wine production areas of Spain, and our real point-of-difference lies in the quality of the agencies themselves. These are all pioneers in their individual regions and have reputations around the world for making wine of the highest quality in classic and modern styles. Add to this a handful of producers making quirky, off-beat wines from diverse regions and terroirs and you have a pretty compelling mix.